If you’re looking for advice and tips on how to travel cheaper, better, and more easily then you have come to the right place. This page is filled with information on how to plan your next trip, how to save money whilst travelling and how to maximise the time you spend exploring the world with your family whilst having a 9-5 job.

Both my husband and I have travelled for most of our lives. So not to blow our own trumpet but we think we know what we are talking about at this point. Trust me, we have made plenty of mistakes along the way. But the great thing about those mistakes is that we now know better. We now know how to avoid making them. And we will share that wealth of information with you. 

All the advice that we have ever published on this part-time family travel blog is listed down below. However, if there is something you cannot find, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are always happy to help out a fellow wanderlusters.

Travel Mindset Tips


Both my husband and I are control freaks. We like to make plans and we hate it when those go wrong. We both get anxious and frustrated when something we, does not pan out the way we envisioned it. However, as we have grown older, we have slowly come to realize that there are very few times in life when things go exactly as planned, especially when traveling.

Expecting everything to go perfectly on your trip is only setting yourself up to fail. Nobody goes travelling and comes back without any stories of mishaps. No matter how prepared you are, at some point you’re going to get lost, get scammed, miss your bus, get food poisoning, injure yourself… the list is endless! Expect it to happen, and don’t beat yourself up when it does. In a month’s time, you’ll find it funny rather than frustrating.

Don’t Lose your temper when it does It achieves absolutely nothing. Instead, calm down, put a smile on your face, think of how this will make a great story one day, and rationally figure out an alternative plan.

Travel Planning Tips


Let your days unfold naturally. Schedule two or three things and let the day fill in the rest on its own. It’s less stressful, and letting the day just take you is one of the best ways to travel.

One of the first lessons I learned on the road was that your plans will nearly always change. You’ll arrive in a place and hate it and want to leave immediately, or you’ll fall in love with a destination and want to spend longer there. You’ll make friends with a group of awesome people and want to change your plans so you can travel with them for longer, or you’ll find out about an amazing-sounding town that’s nearby and want to head there instead.

Sure, you should have a rough plan for your trip, but don’t book everything in advance or you’ll likely feel too restricted and end up regretting it.
Book a one-way ticket and your first few nights of accommodation — you’ll figure the rest out along the way. It’s not as intimidating as it sounds. If you’re in a tourist destination there’ll always be someone who’s willing to take your money by giving you a place to stay.

Travel Tips Pre Travel Tips


We highly recommend pre-booking tickets for activities and attractions online. It’s one of the best travel tips we’ve learned from personal experiences.

Pre-booking tickets online can save you a lot of time and hassle. It also helps you plan your itinerary and make the most of your time at your destination.

And when traveling with kids, standing in long lines can be a nightmare, making pre-booking your tickets to attractions and activities even more essential.

One of the best things about prebooking tickets is the ability to skip the queue and head straight to the entrance of the attraction. This can be especially useful for popular tourist spots such as museums, theme parks, and historical sites.

Personally, we love using GetyourGuide, Viator and TripAdvisor to book tickets for attractions and activities. These platforms allow you to browse and book various activities at your destination, often at a discounted rate. Plus, they offer reviews from other travellers, which can help you decide what to book.

However, before booking, it’s important to pay attention to the terms and conditions, cancellation policies, and any additional fees. Some attractions may have specific time slots, and you may need to arrive on time for your booking.

It’s always a good idea to keep a copy of your booking confirmation and any necessary tickets or documents on your phone or in print form.

Overall, prebooking tickets for activities and attractions online can save you time, money, and hassle while traveling with your family. It’s a travel tip that has worked wonders for me and my family, and I highly recommend it to anyone planning a trip.

Travel Tips Travel Health Tips


We cannot stress enough the importance of getting vaccinated before embarking on any trip. Falling ill while abroad is not only unpleasant, but it can also ruin your travel plans and potentially cost you a lot of money in medical expenses.

Additionally, many countries require visitors to show proof of vaccination before entering, so it’s essential to do your research and ensure you have the necessary vaccinations before traveling.

Even if a destination doesn’t require vaccinations, it’s still a good idea to get them as a precaution. Diseases that may not be prevalent in your home country could be common in other parts of the world.

So, it’s essential to talk to your doctor or a travel health clinic to find out which vaccinations are recommended for the areas you’ll be visiting.

It’s also important to keep in mind that some vaccinations require multiple doses over a period of weeks or months, so it’s best to start the process well in advance of your trip. Don’t wait until the last minute to get vaccinated!

Remember, getting vaccinated is not just about protecting yourself; it’s also about protecting those around you. So, do your part to prevent the spread of diseases and get vaccinated before your next adventure.

Travel Tips Travel Insurance Tips


It is so important to get travel insurance before embarking on any trip! Travel insurance is an investment in your peace of mind, providing protection against the unexpected, including flight cancellations, illness, accidents, and even theft.

You may think that nothing will go wrong on your trip, but accidents and mishaps can happen to anyone, anywhere. And the last thing you want is to be stuck with thousands of pounds in medical bills or have to cancel your trip and lose all the money you’ve invested.

We recommend that you do your research and choose a travel insurance provider that meets your needs. Look for one that offers comprehensive coverage and includes emergency medical expenses, trip cancellation, lost or stolen luggage, and personal liability.

Don’t leave home without travel insurance. It’s a small investment that can save you a lot of money and hassle in the long run.

Top Travel Tips Packing Tips


Our top travel packing tip, is to always pack as light as you can for your travels, even if you are travelling with kids.

Throughout our many trips, we have quickly learned that packing light is the key to stress-free travel. When it comes to packing, less is more.

Packing light makes it easier to navigate airports, train stations, and other transportation hubs. You won’t have to worry about struggling with heavy bags or being charged for overweight luggage.

Trust us, you don’t need to bring your entire wardrobe with you! Take only the clothes you need and can mix and match easily. In our opinion it’s okay to wear the same shirt or pants a few times during your trip. This will free up space in your bag and save you the hassle of carrying around unnecessary weight.

Remember, you can always buy items you need at your destination. So, don’t worry about forgetting something essential.

One of our go-to tips for packing light is to make a list of essentials, then cut it in half. You’ll be surprised at how many items you can do without. Also, try to choose versatile items that can be dressed up or down, and pack clothes that can be layered for cooler weather.

Investing in lightweight and compact travel gear, such as a small backpack or rolling suitcase, will also make a huge difference.

We recommend packing cubes to keep everything organized and maximize space. We always use packing cubes for our son’s clothes, too. It makes it so much easier to find what you need without having to dig through your bag.

Another way to pack efficiently is to roll your clothes instead of folding them. This technique saves space and prevents wrinkles. If you have bulky items like jackets or sweaters, wear them on the plane instead of packing them.

Travel Tips Flight Tips


We highly recommend pre-booking tickets for activities and attractions online. It’s one of the best travel tips we’ve learned from personal experiences.

Pre-booking tickets online can save you a lot of time and hassle. It also helps you plan your itinerary and make the most of your time at your destination.

And when traveling with kids, standing in long lines can be a nightmare, making pre-booking your tickets to attractions and activities even more essential.

One of the best things about prebooking tickets is the ability to skip the queue and head straight to the entrance of the attraction. This can be especially useful for popular tourist spots such as museums, theme parks, and historical sites.

Personally, we love using GetyourGuide, Viator and TripAdvisor to book tickets for attractions and activities. These platforms allow you to browse and book various activities at your destination, often at a discounted rate. Plus, they offer reviews from other travellers, which can help you decide what to book.

However, before booking, it’s important to pay attention to the terms and conditions, cancellation policies, and any additional fees. Some attractions may have specific time slots, and you may need to arrive on time for your booking.

It’s always a good idea to keep a copy of your booking confirmation and any necessary tickets or documents on your phone or in print form.

Overall, prebooking tickets for activities and attractions online can save you time, money, and hassle while traveling with your family. It’s a travel tip that has worked wonders for me and my family, and I highly recommend it to anyone planning a trip.

Top Travel Tips During Your trip Tips


Whenever we travel to a new country, we always try to learn a few basic sentences and the customs of the place.

Taking the time to learn a few basic phrases and customs of the places you visit can make your travels much more enjoyable and rewarding. Not only will you be able to communicate better with the locals, but you’ll also gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of their culture.

It’s not about becoming fluent in the language, but rather showing the locals that you’re making an effort to connect with them. Learning phrases like “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Thank you!”, “Where’s the bathroom?” and “How much does it cost?” can go a long way in making your interactions smoother and more pleasant.

The locals will appreciate it when you make an effort to learn about their culture and customs, and it can lead to some really great experiences.

For example, in Japan, it’s customary to bow instead of shaking hands, and in Morocco, it’s polite to haggle over prices in markets.

By understanding and respecting these customs, you show the locals that you’re interested in their way of life, and they’ll be more likely to open up to you.

Another important thing to remember is that if you don’t speak the language, it’s your problem, not theirs. It’s unfair to expect the locals to speak your language, so don’t get frustrated if they don’t understand you.

Instead, try miming or using a translation app on your phone. And please don’t start speaking louder to make yourself understood – it doesn’t work and it’s just rude.

Top Travel Tips Travel safety Tips


As seasoned travelers, we have learned that one of the best parts of traveling is meeting new people.

Whether it’s a fellow traveller at a hostel or a local at a market, meeting new people can be one of the most enriching experiences of travel.

That being said, it’s important to always keep your guard up and stay aware of your surroundings.

While most people you meet on the road are genuine and friendly, there are always a few bad apples out there. It’s important to be cautious and not let your guard down too quickly. Don’t be afraid to say no to someone if you feel uncomfortable or if something doesn’t feel right.

One way to stay safe is to meet new people in public places or in groups. Hostels often organize group activities that are a great way to meet other travelers. You can also join a walking tour or sign up for a language exchange program. These activities not only provide an opportunity to meet new people but also keep you in a public and safe environment.

It’s also a good idea to keep your personal information to yourself until you feel comfortable with someone. Don’t give out too much information about your travel plans or accommodations. And always trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

Top Travel Tips Money saving Tips


As a couple who love to save money whilst travelling, we’ve learned some valuable lessons over the years.

One of the most important ones is to never eat in a touristy area or near tourist attractions. The prices are always inflated, and the quality of the food is often poor.

Instead, we try to walk at least five blocks away from the main tourist areas to find a place to eat. It’s amazing how much of a difference a few blocks can make in terms of price and quality!

We like to use websites like Yelp, Google Maps, Foursquare, or Open Rice to find some delicious and popular restaurants around me. These websites offer reviews from real people, which helps me find places that the locals love.

Don’t be afraid to try out local cuisine, as it can often be more authentic and less expensive than what you’ll find in tourist areas.

Another tip is to never eat anywhere that has a menu in like 6 languages! That’s a clear sign that the restaurant is just catering to tourists and you’ll probably end up overpaying for mediocre food.

By eating like a local and avoiding the tourist traps, you’ll not only save money but also get to experience the local culture and cuisine. So next time you’re traveling, remember to venture out a little further from the tourist areas to find some delicious and authentic food!

Travel Tips Travel Photography Tips


As a family who loves to travel and capture memories, we have learned that taking photos of ourselves is just as important as taking photos of the places we visit. It’s easy to get caught up in photographing beautiful landscapes, monuments, and attractions, but don’t forget to include yourselves in the frame.

Looking back at our travel photos, the ones that stand out the most are the ones with all of us in them, making memories together. There have also been many times when we’ve been too self-conscious or shy to ask someone to take our photo in a beautiful location, and we’ve always regretted it.

It can be daunting to ask a stranger to take your photo, but more often than not, people are happy to help. You can also invest in a small tripod or use a selfie stick to take photos of yourselves. Another option is to use the self-timer on your camera or phone to get a group shot.

Taking photos of yourselves not only creates lasting memories but also helps to tell the story of your travels. It’s a great way to show friends and family back home what you did and who you did it with. So, next time you’re traveling, don’t forget to snap a few photos of yourselves. Trust us, you’ll be glad you did.

Travel Tips Family Travel Tips


One of the best tips we can give you when it comes to family travel is to start travelling with your kids when they are young.

We understand that travelling with kids can be challenging and requires extra planning, but it’s an investment in your children’s future. Not only will they have the opportunity to see the world and experience different cultures, but travelling can also be an incredible learning experience for them.

Starting young means that your kids will get used to the idea of travelling and will become more adaptable and flexible. They will also develop a sense of curiosity about the world and learn to appreciate different ways of life.

Moreover, travelling with your kids when they are young means you can create unforgettable family memories that will last a lifetime.

Travelling with young kids also means that you can take advantage of off-peak travel times when destinations are less crowded and often cheaper. Many places offer discounts or even free admission for children under a certain age. You might be surprised at how much more affordable family travel can be if you start early.

Of course, travelling with young kids requires careful planning and preparation, but it’s worth it in the end. So don’t wait until your kids are older to start travelling, take the leap and explore the world with your family today!

Part time travel tips


When you work full-time and have a family, it can often feel like you simply don’t have enough time to travel. But one of the best ways to fit more travel into your life is to simply maximise every day off.

Before we had a baby, we would book a flight for a Friday night, take our carry-on to work and then fly back early on Monday morning.

Now that we have a kid on board, we still use most of our weekends to explore the UK. We will pack the car and leave right after work on a Friday and then return late in the evening on Sundays

It is amazing where you can go for a long weekend without even taking any time off work. If you get cheap flights you can often spend very little more than you would having a weekend around home.

Travel Tips Sustainable Travel Tips


As a responsible traveler, it’s important to remember that your choices have an impact on the places you visit. Sustainable tourism is becoming increasingly important, and one way to support sustainable travel is by supporting local businesses.

When we travel, we make an effort to stay in locally-owned guesthouses and homestays where we can rather than big hotels. We find that this not only helps us to better connect with the local culture, but it also keeps our dollars in the local economy.

We also make an effort to dine at local restaurants and try traditional dishes made with locally-sourced ingredients. It’s amazing to taste the unique flavours and cooking styles of different regions, and we find that local restaurants often have a more authentic and affordable dining experience.

When we’re exploring local markets, we love to buy souvenirs and gifts that are made by local artisans. We find that this not only supports the local economy but also gives us a meaningful souvenir to remember our travels.

We also like to book excursions with local guides or learn new skills from local experts. By doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding of the local culture and support the local community.

We believe that responsible travel also means being conscious of the potential negative impacts of our actions. While it may be tempting to give money to beggars, we’ve learned that this can often perpetuate a system that keeps children out of school and forces them onto the streets. Instead, we make contributions to local charities that empower people through education, skills development, and access to social services.

Overall, we believe that supporting local businesses is one of the best ways to practice sustainable travel. By making a conscious effort to spend our money at local businesses,